Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Enrichment Kelas XII

Choose the correct answer!

Text 1                                                                                   OIL
                That oil has helped’ to shape the world is not an exaggeration. Indeed, the discovery of oil during the last hundred years has changed a great deal of things. An oil product called kerosene has replaced firewood in the kitchen of our cities. Motor vehicles using gasoline or diesel oil have put animal-drawn carriages into museums. Steamships have lost against motor vehicles. Diesel locomotives have driven steam locomotives off the rails. :Jet planes using aviation fuel fly the skies, making remote places reachable in a matter of hours.
That oil is indispensable to our everyday lives is not an exaggeration, either. Yet few of us ever ask how this important liquid is extracted from the earth and changed into finished products. In the first place, it is not an easy matter to find an oil reserve. Exploration teams, sent by oil companies, have to go to remote places, find sometimes have to live under harsh conditions, to explore the earth or seabed for oil. They study the rock and the soil, and if there are promising result, the next thing for the oil company to do is to send a drilling team to the location. Again, this is not a simple matter. Roads, for examples, have to be built first to transport the men and materials to the site. What is worse, the first drilling does not always bring about oil. The drilling team often has to drill up to ten wells before oil is found.

1. Animal-drawn carriages have been replaced by ...
A.  ships
B.  vehicles
C.  planes
D.  motor vehicles
E.  motor boats and vessels

2. To find an oil reserve people have to explore ... 
A.  any location 
B.  rock or oil
C.  rock or water
D.  the earth or seabed
E.  remote places only

3. “Again, this is not a simple matter.” The word "this" refers to ... 
A.  building a road them 
B.  sending a drilling team 
C.  gathering the crude oil 
D.  sending exploration teams 
E.  sending exploration machinery

4. “They study the rock and the soil,….3.” The word "they" refers to ... 
A.  people
B.  exploration teams 
C.  finished product 
D.  oil companies 
E.  harsh conditions

5. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ... 
A.  oil has changed a great deal of things 
B.  kinds of oil for transportation 
C.  the importance of transportation 
D.  motor vehicles using gasoline 
E.  further processing of oil
6. Exploration teams, sent bay oil companies, have to go to remote places, (paragraph 2).
The word "remote" in the sentence above means ...
A.  busy
B.  near
C.  faraway
D.  crowded
E.  close
 7. An oil product called ... has replaced firewood in the kitchen of our cities.
A.  diesel oil
B.  gasoline
C.  kerosene
D.  lubricant
E.  petrol

Text 2

When we buy canned or bottled food products at the grocer's or the supermarket, we will find out that there are some additives added to the main nutrients. An additives is a non-nutritive substance intentionally added to food generally in small quantities, to improve appearance, flavor, storage properties, etc. 
Most governments issue lists of permitted additives stating the highest acceptable concentration, defining food products in which they may be used and sometimes recommending the maximum daily consumption. Such legislation is revised periodically, and product may be added to or deleted from permitted lists because of additional scientific knowledge and experience of their use.
A group of food additives includes vitamins, amino acids, and minerals which are added to foodstuffs to compensate for losses occurring during processing or to provide additional sources in diet that might otherwise be deficient in such nutrients. Examples of their use include enrichment of margarine with the addition of vitamin A, and niacin amide to flour or bread. Salt often has a small amount of iodine to it to avoided a diet deficiency that can cause goiter development.
Appearance is an important factor in food appeal, and legislation in most countries permits the addition of both natural and synthetic coloring mater based on the coloring standards issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO). Flavoring materials are added to basic foodstuff to; provide a characteristic product flavor or to supplement or modify the original flavor. Most flavoring materials are still of natural origin, but progress in organic chemistry has made, it possible to analyze flavoring materials and to synthesize product similar with those found in nature.
Flavor can also be influenced by the addition of the flavor enhancer such as monosodium glutamate which intensifies perception of flavoring.

8. Canned or bottled food product contain additives besides ...
A.  non-nutritive substances 
B.  margarine with vitamins 
C.  storage properties 
D.  small quantities 
E.  main nutrients

9. The lists of permitted additives were issued by ...
A.  grocer
B.  consumer
C.  legislation
D.  governments
E.  food producer

10. The iodine prevent us from developing ...
A.  decay
B.  goiter
C.  vitamins
D.  nutrient
E.  diet deficiency

11. “Salt often has a small amount of iodine to it…´ The word "it" refers to ...
A.  salt
B.  flour
C.  bread
D.  margarine
E.  niacin amide

12. The best title for the above text is ... 
A.  Food and Vitamins 
B.  Food and Additives 
C.  Food and Their use 
D.  Food and Nutrients 
E.  Food and a Diet Deficiency

13. Tinned food is very practical, but it is not as good as ... food
A.  fast
B.  fresh
C.  bottled
D.  canned
E.  synthetic

14. We have known that ... food is necessary for healthy bodies and keen minds.
A.  fast
B.  sweet
C.  canned
D.  nourishing 
E.  starchy

Text 3                                                                   THE CITY OF LONDON
The history of London cannot be separated from the river Thames. If you look at the map you will see that it is the gateway to London from the European continent. In the first century, when the Romans occupied England, there was a small village on Lud Hill along the Thames, where the river was at its lowest point. It was about ten miles from the sea. The Romans discovered that they could load and unload their merchant ships here. So, they build a city on Lud Hill.
More and more ships could now for either loading or unloading, bringing more and more business to the city. They called the city Londinium (meaning: city) from which the name London was probably derived. In order to connect both sides of the river, called the Thames, the Romans built the London bridge here.
A great fire in 1665 brought a big change to London. The great will surrounding the city was
destroyed and today we can only see its ruins. Another change was brought by the Second World War. From August 1940 to May 1941, German bombers attacked the city almost every night, destroying thousands of buildings arid houses, and killing thousands of people. For the second time, the greater part of London was in ruins.

15. Where did the Romans load and unload their merchant ships ? 
A.  On Lud Hill. 
B.  In the river Thames. 
C.  In the European Continent. 
D.  In the city of London. 
E.  In the gateway to London.

16. What brought a big change to London ? 
A.  Second World War. 
B.  A great fire. 
C.  German bombers.
D.  The death of many people. 
E.  The ruins of the houses.

17. In the first Century when the Romans occupied England, there was a small village on Lud Hill along the Themes.
The underline word is similar in meaning to ...
A.  Stated.
B.  Destroyed.
C.  Colonized.
D.  Separated attacked.
E.  Attacked

18. Which of the following statement is true according to the text ?
A.  The London bridge has disappeared now. 
B.  We can't see ruins of the great fire now. 
C.  The Romans called the city built on the Lud Hill London.
D.  The city of London was in fact built by the Romans. 
E.  Ruins of the city of London will become boring to tourists.

19. It was about ten miles from the sea. (paragraph 1).What does the word it refer to ?
A.  England. 
B.  Lud Hill.
C.  Thames.
D.  London.
E.  A small village.

20. They called the city Londonium from which the name London was probably derived. The underline word means ...
A.  Came from.
B.  Accepted.
C.  Received.
D.  Given.
E.  Got.

Text 4
 Each society has its own beliefs, attitudes, customs, behaviours, and social habits. These give people a sense of who they are, how they should behave, and what they should or should not do. These 'rules' reflect the 'culture' of a country.
          People become conscious of such rules when they meet people from different cultures. For example, in some. cultures, being on time can mean turning up several hours late for an appointment, even for a business meeting; in others, 3 p.m. means 3 p.m. Also, the rules about when to eat vary from culture to culture. Many North Americans and Europeans are used to having three mealtimes a day and organizing their timetable around them. In some countries, on the other hand, people often do not have strict rules like this - people eat when they want to and every family has its own time table.
          When people visit or live in a country for the first time, they are often surprised at the differences that exist between their own culture and that in the other country. The most common way of comparing two cultures is in terms of their differences - not their similarities.

21 . What does the writer want to tell you?
A . Strict rules.
B . Mealtimes day.
C . Culture differences.
D . Culture in a country.
E . Culture similarities.

22. New comers often feel ........ because their own culture is not similar to that in the new
A . astounded
B . bored
C . disturb
D . uninterested
E . embarrassed

23 . Which statement is TRUE according to the text ?
A . There are no people, becoming conscious of a new culture
B . There are no countries having strict rules of mealtimes.
C . There are no strict rules of mealtimes in some countries.
D . There are no problems for people who visit a country for the first time.
E . There are no similarities between a culture is one country and that in another.

24 . In some cultures people may ........ for a business meeting.
A . come late
B . eat strictly
C . be surprised
D . behave differently
E . use their own time table

Is life better in cities? Probably not. Many people find that the city of their dreams has
become a nightmare. Population growth is causing unbelievable overcrowding. Nairobi, Kenya,
for example, has basic-series for 200,000 people but will soon have a population of 5 millions.
Mexico City is home to almost 25 millions. This overcrowding causes many serious problems:
traffic, pollution, sickness, and crime. There isn't enough water, transportation or housing. There
aren't enough sewers; in Sac Paulo, Brazil, for instance, only 40% of the homes are connected
to the city sewer system, which carries away dirty water and waste through pipes under the
ground. Perhaps most serious of all, there aren't enough jobs. One-third to one-half of the
people in many cities in developing nations cannot find work or confined only part-time jobs.
The crisis is worsening daily; that is; this time of danger and difficulty is becoming more horrible
everyday. Population experts tell us that by the year 2025, the population in cities in developing
nations will increase to four times its present size.
          The situation seems hopeless, but perhaps it isn't. The answer to the problem is to
provide jobs for them where they live, where they were born", Takkar says.

25 . What makes unbelievable overcrowding?
A . A nightmare
B . Urbanization
C . City's life
D . Serious problems
E . Population growth

26 . The main idea of the first paragraph is ........
A . Life is not better in the cities.
B . The problems cause overcrowding.
C . Overcrowding causes many problems.
D . The city of the people's dream provides a better life.
E . The population in cities will increase by the year 2025.

27 . It is estimated that Mexico City will have had ........ million people by the year 2025.
A . 5
B . 25
C . 100
D . 125
E . 200.0

Flood is a body of water that covers normally dry land. Most floods are harmful. They may
....(28).... homes and other properties and even carry off the top soil leaving the land ....(29)....
When people are not prepared, sudden and violent floods may bring huge ....(30).....
28 . A . destroy
B . break
C . bunt
D . fall
E . drop
29 . A . dry
B . wet
C . helpful
D . barren
E . fertile
30 . A . advantages
B . demolition
C . benefits
D . questions
E . losses

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